Chester French On MTV & L.A. Times

pic-2.jpgFrom Their Blog: Today, we wanted to point out two particularly awesome Chester French mentions by the press. The first is our article in the L. A. Times by Chris Lee. We think it really sums us up and is one of the best pieces about us out there. We also think Chris’ description of our sound (“Their shimmering songs can conjure Dr. Dre and the Kinks, psych rock and surf music, while still sounding totally modern”) is pretty accurate while at the same time incredibly flattering. Everyone, check out the article. It is fresh.

We also make a killer guest appearance on the MTV Buzzworthy Blog, with an interview that spans topics as diverse as Kevin Costner, White Zombie and Pilates. Check that out here. More to come Monday, folks. Have a killer weekend. And by that, we of course mean you should kill people. We kid! We kid… please, no lawsuits. DA & Max

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