Pharrell In The Studio With Rexx Life Raj

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“sometimes life gets very brazy to the point you have to step back and take a deep breath but when you step back you accidentally step on a very rare level 1000 @pharrell which is awkward because he’s somewhere between a god and a guru and you would never want to do any type of harm to such a savant so now you don’t know wether to apologize or bow before greatest but it’s funny because he would never want you to do such a thing because at the end of the day he’s a real one and he appreciates the fact that the majority of your rap skills came from your homie playing the Grindin beat on the desk and you rapping about all the guns and drugs you never possessed in Ms. Arthur’s english class at Willard which got you a few detentions due to “foul language” but motherfuck that because now it’s all starting to make sense kinda like everything eventually does when you put your heart and mind to it… wtf is life right now”

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