D.A. Wallach Wearing Chester French’s Varsity Jacket

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“Max and I made the jackets to accompany Music 4 TNGRS, our recently released album, and the design is inspired by artist Jonathan Zawada’s beautiful album cover. Our friends at Karmaloop helped us bring this to life, and I really hope you’ll pick up one for yourself. The jacket is suuuuuper soft, made of an almost fleece-like thick cotton, and it is something that I will definitely be wearing during cold evening in L.A.

Not only will the jacket have you looking extra BOSS, but each purchase is a very meaningful vote of support for Chester French, which we’ve always treated like a family. That spirit gave us the confidence to release this record independently with Karmaloop Music, and we have been touched by all of your incredible responses. So…go get the jacket and/or the new album at dawallach.com . We personally review every order that comes in, and look forward to sending out some fly jackets!”



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