Pharrell Williams Earns Honorary Doctorate (2021) (Video)
Pharrell Williams Earns Honorary Doctorate (2021) (Video)

“I wanted to be able to make people feel the way Norfolk State’s band made me feel,” Williams said. Grammy award-winning musician and producer Pharrell Williams received a doctorate from Norfolk State University in Virginia. University President Javaune Adams-Gaston presented Williams with the award and named Williams as an honorary member of the Spartan Legion, Norfolk State’s marching band.

Williams expressed his honor to be at the graduation and showed his appreciation to the 2021 graduates despite not attending Norfolk University.“I didn’t attend Norfolk State, but I was always present,” Williams said. “The pull of the green and the gold is strong. I am honored to have made this part of my work, my story, and still today; I can’t wait to see how far you amazing, impressive graduates of Norfolk State … how far you’ll go.”
